Together we can ensure Edinburgh will be a thriving, fair, resilient city and region where people, communities and nature flourish in a changing climate.
To help deliver this vision, the Adaptation and Nature partnership has prepared the city’s second climate adaptation plan called Climate Ready Edinburgh. This provides a roadmap for public and private organisations, businesses, communities and individuals to work together to build a resilient and flourishing capital city.
Climate change is already affecting Edinburgh and our climate is projected to change further, despite our existing efforts to reduce carbon emissions. We are likely to see increasing extreme weather, heavier winter rainfall and reduced summer rainfall, higher average temperatures, with more frequent and extreme heatwaves, sea level rise and coastal erosion, and increased likelihood of flooding.

What is Climate Adaptation?
Climate Adaptation is a process of ongoing adjustments in response to the effects of climate change. A businesses’ climate adaptation measures will vary depending on the potential impacts climate change could have on the business. It will depend on the size, location and capacity of the business. Therefore, businesses should create tailored climate adaptation measures to suit their business.
Climate Adaptation is a process of ongoing adjustments in response to the effects of climate change. A businesses’ climate adaptation measures will vary depending on the potential impacts climate change could have on the business. It will depend on the size, location and capacity of the business. Therefore, businesses should create tailored climate adaptation measures to suit their business.
The plan explains why we need to adapt our city to the impacts of climate change including the most up-to-date projections of how Edinburgh’s climate is likely to change in the future, the impacts of this and the implications this has for the city. It then sets out what we are already doing and planning to do to adapt the city through identifying the areas we need to prioritise and the actions we need to take.
The City of Edinburgh Council has recently approved the following Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan.
Why should businesses think about Climate Adaptation?
Climate change is no longer a distant threat to businesses, with changes in Scotland’s climate already being seen and projected to continue and intensify. Although climate change mitigation has become a key focus for businesses, climate adaptation is just as important to ensure the City builds resilience to future climate impacts.
Due to the predicted climate trends for Edinburgh there is an increased need for all businesses to not only focus on climate change mitigation but also start to manage future risks through climate adaptation to avoid potential financial losses, increase business resilience and understand potential opportunities for the business.
There are tools and guides to support businesses such as:
· Adaptation Scotland – Adaptation Scotland provides advice and support to help Scotland and Scotland businesses be prepared and resilient to the effects of climate change and helps businesses identify the best way to plan for these impacts. They have a range of resources specifically designed for businesses which you can find here.
· SEPA Flood Maps – Enables you to check if your business is at risk of flooding and you can sign up to flood alerts.
The Adaptation and Nature Partnership also works to empower businesses and communities by promoting local actions like designing green spaces for water management, planting trees to cool urban areas, and creating permeable surfaces to prevent flooding. These collective efforts not only protect businesses but also enhance the natural environment in the city.
What can you do?
Click on the links below to be directed to some helpful guides on our you can prepare for climate adaptation