What is the Net Zero Edinburgh Leadership Board?

The Net Zero Edinburgh Leadership Board aims to bring city partners together to: 

  • Provide city wide leadership in creating a green, clean and sustainable future for the city.
  • Develop a Green Infrastructure Investment Plan for the city.
  • Oversee, agree and drive delivery for four thematic workstreams which lead on developing a pipelines of green infrastructure projects for the city. These themes consist of:
  • Adaptation & Nature
  • Heat & Energy Efficiency
  • Transport Infrastructure
  • Just Economic Transition

Core partner organisations include the public organisations with significant control over public building and homes (NHS Lothian, the City of Edinburgh Council, the University of Edinburgh representing the wider further and higher education sector), the utility companies investing significantly in the infrastructure of the city (SP Energy Networks, Scottish Gas Network, Scottish Water) as well as the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce representing business, employment and economic interests in the city.

What are the four thematic workstreams?

City Heat and Energy Partnership

Adaptation and Nature Partnership

Transport Infrastructure Partnership

Just Economic Transition Partnership

The City Heat & Energy Partnership will deliver a whole city strategic approach for new build and retrofit of buildings to meet the cities future heat and energy needs, while building new financial models for estates transformation. This will include assessing the retrofit needs across the city and opportunities for place-based approaches for estate grounds, local energy generation and building community wealth. The Partnership work aims to support inclusive growth and workforce opportunities. If you would like to be kept up to date on the work of this subgroup please email netzeroboard@edinburgh.gov.uk to be added to the newsletter.

Adaptation and Nature Partnership is currently made up of: City of Edinburgh Council, Scottish Water, SEPA, Edinburgh World Heritage, Historic Environment Scotland, NHS Lothian, NatureScot, Edinburgh Biodiversity Partnership, University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, Napier University, Edinburgh College, and Sniffer. The partnership recently published the Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan which sets out the actions for the partnership and wider city to take to prepare Edinburgh for our changing climate.

Updates from all the subgroups will be available in the future so make sure to check back.