Muckle Brig’s Journey to Net Zero with Net Zero Edinburgh

Edinburgh based drinks company, Muckle Brig, is leading the way in showing how SMEs are working towards net zero and sustainability. 

Who is Muckle Brig?

Muckle Brig, based in Leith, is the umbrella company behind Port of Leith Whisky Distillery, Lind & Lime Gin Distillery & The Leith Export Company. It is a wine and spirits purveyor, with a team of 75 across production, hospitality, sales and visitor experience.

Muckle Brig and Sustainability

Although they are at the start of their net zero journey, sustainability and climate action is at the core of the business and they have designed a business with this in mind.

Fraser Walker, Sustainability Executive said: “We are engaged in climate change because we need to be. If we are to meet our sector target of Net Zero by 2040, or the UK target of Net Zero by 2050 then now is the time to act. The responsibility of the land we use, ingredients we source, people we staff and place we reside in are our own – maintaining them is part of our company culture.”

Before joining the Net Zero Edinburgh cohort, Muckle Brig had already done significant work to start collating data in order to calculate their carbon emissions and to start reporting from 2022-2024. With the aim to publish their reduction target in 2025 with clear actionable goals that they will work towards.

They are already focusing on their operational carbon footprint, throughout their decision making process, they were working on ensuring their supply chain was sustainable.  For example, their Lind and Lime Gin is 100% organic, plastic free and their gin still uses 100% green electricity. While their whisky distillery uses locally sourced barely, less than 15 miles from their production site. They also support their visitors to make sustainable choices, encouraging them to take public transport with excellent bus, tram, walking and cycling links to their venues, which is showcased through their marketing materials on their website and their advertisement on Edinburgh Trams.

How Net Zero Edinburgh supported their journey

The Net Zero Edinburgh project supported Muckle Brig through the Net Zero Edinburgh cohort which provides businesses with tailored support to calculate their carbon footprint and to write a carbon reduction plan.

The cohort supported Muckle Brig from start to finish, it helped them to calculate their carbon emissions, to write a carbon reduction plan and to set a target with Fraser stating “We wouldn’t be where we are in our journey if it wasn’t for the Net Zero Edinburgh cohort.”

Over the next few months, the company will be focussing on creating a carbon report and strategy for the next year, aiming to publish this in 2025 which will help them strive towards their net zero target which is in line with the Scottish Whisky Association SBT of 2040.

As well as their net zero journey they have also engaged with other initiatives which highlights their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Last year they become B Corp certified and earlier this year Lind and Lime was awarded the Green Tourism Gold Award. Both initiatives highlight the company’s commitment to not only their net zero journey but to supporting their local community, supporting their employees and their commitment to sustainable tourism practices.

For Muckle Brig the opportunity net zero can offer businesses is secondary, with the company ensuring sustainability is at the core of their operations. This is further highlighted by Fraser “We believe net zero is not just a journey from which to learn from, but a mandatory one that we must venture down to ensure we maintain the value chain we have created. This affects every aspect of our operation and the segments is touches, be that the lives of the staff we employ, the suppliers we sources resources from or the countries we liaise with to create products and services – all aspects are considered and net zero is the guide in preserving them.”  

The Net Zero Edinburgh project, funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, aims to support Edinburgh’s SMEs on their net zero journey as well as support innovative and decarbonisation projects across the city. For further information about the project and the support available please get in touch with the team at
