OnGen leading the way with their net zero transition

Edinburgh based SaaS company, OnGen, are leading the way in showing how SMEs are working towards net zero and sustainability.

Who is onGen?

OnGen provides innovative, user-friendly software solutions for assessing the physical and financial feasibility of deploying 10 different on-site renewable technologies through their flagship tool, the OnGen Expert. OnGen Expert offers the widest range of energy generation and storage assessments which helps organisations reduce carbon emissions and meet their net-zero targets. Through using the software companies can see which technologies have the highest potential carbon reductions, as well as get detailed analyses of energy savings and financial benefits.

OnGen and sustainability

As a company who pride themselves on helping organisations transition to net zero, OnGen recognised that they needed a structured plan for their own net zero journey. Iona Wylie, Head of Account Management at OnGen highlights this “Participating in the programme was an opportunity to lead by example and inspire the businesses we work with. While we had attempted to measure our carbon footprint in the past, we struggled to identify which metrics were most important and what meaningful actions we could take. The programme offered the clarity and guidance we needed to align our operations with our mission to drive sustainability.”

How the Supporting the Net Zero Journey programme supported their net zero transition

OnGen recently participated in the Supporting the Net Zero Journey programme, a business support programme managed by the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Scottish Enterprise. The programme is designed to support participants to calculate their carbon footprint and to create a carbon reduction plan which has clear actions and targets. Iona emphasises how the programmes step by step structure helped guide them through the process, “the programme’s structure – spanning three sessions – made the process manageable and less overwhelming.”

Through participating in the programme OnGen were able to gain a better understanding of what actions they could take to help them on their net zero transition. “The programme provided a wealth of examples and case studies that illustrated practical steps for reducing carbon emissions. The breakdown of actions by emissions scope made it easier to understand the specific impact of each initiative and prioritise them within our carbon reduction plan. This clarity has been instrumental in shaping our strategy” Iona states. The programme also provided OnGen the opportunity to share their progress with other businesses, enabling them to share learnings, best practices and ask questions. Iona highlights this, “For instance, we learned about Green Web Badges from another software company, which helps identify whether a website is powered by green energy.”

By the end of the programme OnGen had produced a robust carbon reduction plan which not only reinforces OnGen’s position as an industry leader but also identified actions which would bring potential financial benefits. Iona states “operationally, initiatives such as encouraging public transport, supporting employees in switching to green energy tariffs while working from home, and reducing physical marketing materials will help both costs and carbon emissions within our Scope 2.” The carbon reduction plan also aligns and further enhances their commitment to employee wellbeing, for example through promoting and encouraging active travel to their staff.

By participating in the programme OnGen were able to receive valuable support and feedback to help them create a carbon reduction plan which will not only help drive their net zero transition, and strengthen their sustainability credentials,  but will also reinforce their commitment and their mission to drive real change, through both their software and business operations. 

