OOH specialists commit to a sustainable future

  • 75Media unveils its ESG plan
  • Company, which has offices in Edinburgh, already qualifies for a four-star SDG rating, which puts it in the top 10% of businesses

Out of Home (OOH) specialist 75Media has launched its first Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) plan, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The business, which has a rapidly growing presence in Scotland, has identified four of the UN-defined goals where it believes it can make most impact and has set precise targets to ensure progress over the coming years.

In 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Goals, which aim to tackle global challenges, including poverty, inequality, and climate change, by 2030.

75Media, which has offices in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, has already qualified for a four-star SDG rating, which puts it in the top 10% of over 5,000 businesses researched by Support the Goals.

Data from Outsmart, the trade body for the UK OOH advertising industry, found that OOH is the most sustainable advertising platform for brands, producing the least amount of carbon emissions per impression when compared to other major media.

The four UN goals 75Media intends to focus on are:

  • Goal 3: Good Health & Wellbeing

75Media is committing to promoting good health and wellbeing in its own workforce and society. Targets include partnering with an organisation to run two mental health awareness campaigns every year until 2030 and helping to support 60 disadvantaged young people to connect with nature.

  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

The company has committed to creating safe working conditions, an inclusive workspace, and fair pay within its business and supply chain, with defined targets around increasing diversity in the workplace and working with suppliers which pay the living wage.

  • Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

75Media will practice responsible consumption and production as well as commit to reducing waste generation throughout its operations. ​By 2029, it pledges to reduce waste by 50% and introduce three new circular economy projects into its portfolio maintenance programme, focused on reusing, repairing and refurbishing materials in order to maintain billboard assets.​

  • Goal 13 – Climate action

75Media commits to keeping global warming below 1.5oc by reducing its carbon footprint. ​This will involve becoming net zero by 2040, and by 2029, pledging 90% of spend to suppliers who have net zero targets. The company already uses 100% certified renewable energy to power all of its digital billboards.


According to the World Economic Forum, only 60% of organisations have a sustainability strategy.

Mark Russell, Business Director in Scotland for 75Media, said: “The first step in any sustainability journey is having a solid strategy in place to help drive action towards what matters most – making the world a better place by 2030.

“Our presence in Scotland is growing all the time, and with that increased footprint comes increased responsibility, which we take very seriously. We now have a team of four in Scotland, with office space in the Cubo facilities in both Glasgow and Edinburgh. There are lots of exciting developments on the horizon, but underpinning it all will be our commitment to creating a sustainable future.”

75Media’s full strategy can be found at www.75media.co.uk/esg
