Your first steps towards a brighter, greener future

Becoming more energy efficient is a simple way to help your business lower costs, reduce your carbon footprint and attract new, eco-conscious customers.

You can reduce your energy bills by making some simple changes. And when your efficiency strategy enhances working conditions, it can boost staff well-being and increase productivity.

So where should you begin? Getting a smart meter can help you identify the parts of your business that use the most energy. Once you understand that, you can work out how to use less energy, lower your energy bills, and reduce your carbon footprint. You may also find the Green Business Directory helpful in sourcing accredited Carbon Trust suppliers and installers.

To get you started, we’ve assembled tips and advice tailored by sector. Can’t see your sector? Not to worry – some of the tips you’ll find in the other sections could still help you lower your energy consumption.

Find out more about Sector specific advice for small businesses with smart meters.
