How to calculate your company’s carbon footprint

Are you starting to think about calculating your carbon footprint but you are unsure what data is required?

We’ve pulled together some information to help you understand what data will be required to calculate your scopes 1 and 2 emissions .

Before you start you must first decide what your reporting year will be and then ensure all data you use is from that 12 month period.

What data do I need to calculate my carbon footprint?

Scope 1 (the direct emissions from fuel and processes)

  • Total number of vehicles you have and the type of fuel they use
  • What’s the total mileage for all of the vehicles during the reporting year
  • What is the amount you have spent on fuel for all of the vehicles during the reporting year
  • In units, how much gas have you used during the reporting year
  • Total amount spent on gas during the reporting year

Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the purchased electricity used by the company)

  • In units, how much electricity have you used during the reporting year  
  • Total amount spent on purchased electricity during the reporting year

You can use a carbon calculator to help you calculate your carbon footprint, examples are
